The MoaT (Master of all Things) is not -- it's a slave :-P

Specifically, it's configurable slave code for ATmega88 (or larger; -48
works with limited features). it supports conditional search, thus you can
have a 100-device bus that you can actually poll often enough -- using 1wire
as a cheap replacement for KNX or similar buses is definitely possible (and
painless, assuming your bus hardware works).

Features that work:
* every device gets a unique name
* every 1wire bus transaction is secured by CRC16, both ways
* select slaves via CONDITIONAL SEARCH whenever something interesting happens
* you get to decide what "interesting" means
* any ports can be input (high-impedance or pull-up) or output (low or high)
* any port can have a counter
* any port can be pulse-width-modulated (low frequency, 1/10th Hz)
* … including a one-shot mode – for buzzing a door open, or watering the
lawn, or …
* A/D converter, with alarm when the value goes out of bounds
* you get a debug console
* alarm handling -- reporting which sub-feature triggered it,
  selectively enabling alarms per feature. the works
* everything can be de-configured, so that smaller AVRs have a chance
* "owdir" only liste features which actually exist
* works with 8 MHz internal clock, or any faster external source

The TODO list:
* store config in EPROM; change config via wire
* hardware assisted "fast" PWM
* named outputs (and inputs and whatever)
* talking to intelligent smoke detectors (Gira Dual)
* I²C interface
* serial interface, for adding $WHATEVER to 1wire
* statistics (e.g. CRC errors or overruns)
* PID controller, for rudimentary local intelligence if the master should die
* failsafe
* figure out how to do over-the-wire firmware upgrades
* support more AVR ICs, specifically the Xmega

Slave code:
OWFS branch: #moat

I even managed to write a manpage. ;-)

I plan to do my complete home automation with this stuff, so I'll definitely
stick around and add more features.
Feel free to do the same (but do share!).

NB: also has a couple of EAGLE designs for
accompanying hardware – some soldering skills required – these are still
work in progress.

NB2: right now, to use this you'll need AVR-GCC and a programmer like avrdude.
Feel free to teach my code to support Arduino-style boot loaders.

-- Matthias
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