> On Sep 8, 2016, at 2:53 AM, Stefano Miccoli <mo...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> On 08 Sep 2016, at 10:20, Jan Kandziora <j...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> Face it, simple markup alone will not give you any contributors. Hell,
>> non-developer documentation contributors don't want to bother with
>> markup at all!
>> What we need is an interface that makes it easy for *anyone* to
>> contribute to the documentation. If we don't have that, we could just
>> stick to HTML.
> Sorry, but I **strongly** disagree: html if you don’t use some form of 
> template engine is not sustainable

Agreed. I wouldn't touch it. 

Also, lost the piece on how it looks, but this is 2016 and there is no excuse 
for not having a cleanly styled and mobile-friendly site. It affects usability. 
Is owfs from 1985 or today?

> Suppose you have 200+ pages, and you need to add a single row in the footer: 
> should you open all the 200 html files by hand and add the html markup? 
> Should you write a bash+sed+m4 script and programmatically change all the 
> files? Or should you just change a single line in a template file and have 
> some processor regenerate the whole site?
> The real question here is not about having hundreds of contributors hacking 
> docs with an WYSIWYG on-line editor. Our problem is to use a technology which 
> allows us tho **efficiently** build a decent new owfs.org site.

I actually think media wiki is a pretty good model, hosting issues 
notwithstanding. See below. 

> My personal list of important requirements. The new site should be
> 1) static and integrated with git (push to publish)

I like git very much, but having to learn it to contribute to a community 
maintained page is a pretty large barrier. I use it from the CL, but I've heard 
the desktop app is not good. 

> 2) future proof (ability to integrate new web technologies as they appear)
> 3) based on templates
> 4) allow for easy inclusion of html and css
> 5) be very lightweight as what regards maintenance.
> You guessed it, I wrote the above list with jekyll in mind :-))
> I use both jekyll and Sphinx: while Sphinx is the way to go for python or C 
> docs (http://pyownet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) it is not flexible enough for 
> owfs.org, which should be a little more than a bunch of docs.
> So consider jekyll https://jekyllrb.com as a system based on
> * Markdown: a lightweight markup language, which is much more than *simple* 
> markup. 
> * Liquid, which is a template engine
> * plain old html and css (you are not forced to use markdown or templates… a 
> jekyll site could also be 100% html+css)
> As a bonus with jekyll you get seamless integration into github (but NO 
> vendor lock-in since it is fully open source), free hosting on 
> pages.guthub.com, rouge syntax highlighting…
> Stefano
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