Am 08.10.2016 um 18:43 schrieb Dr. Trigon:
> Hi Jan
> Sorry for the huge delay in comming back to this. Now I have the
> equipment and time to do some 1wire owfs tests again. Here briefly
> what I planed: 1. DS28E17 (alone and as bridge together with
> DS2482-800) - according to your request
Forget the DS2482 behind a DS28E17. With all the onewire protocol
overhead, the DS28E17 I²C has a net data rate of about 1000 Baud.

That's way too slow for a DS2482 on it to be useful to anyone.

> Can you give me some advices or point to the mail archive entries
> where I can get some info on: - how to test the DS28E17 kernel
> driver? what to connect the DS28E17 I2C to for testing/debugging? -
Put some arbitrary I2C sensor to it. Or more that one. There is some
example code for the DS7505. Or you could try to hook up a kernel driver
to a DS28E17 I²C slave.

I'm most interested if you have problems following the documentation.

> 2. eservices LCD
> update me on the LCD status? am I right that we stoped with the
> question whether the LCD got correct voltage for contrast setting?
> measuring that analog voltage would be the next step? or shall I try
> to analyze the logic output of the 1wire chip?
First give me a pointer where you have been stuck last time. I cannot
tell you that.

> 3. MoaT on
> ATtiny, ATmega (Arduino Nano) - what would be the
> most simple MoaT test setup with the chip mentioned?
Matthias' territory, sorry here.

Kind regards


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