Am 29.10.2016 um 20:02 schrieb Gregg Levine:
> Hello!
> And that's it. I'm busy constructing a platform for a Pi Zero to make
> use of a GPIO connected to a DS18B20 device.
> And of course for other purposes but that's one of them.
The owfs version shipped with Jessie has a broken --w1 when
working with kernel-3.16 as shipped with Jessie.

Testing(Stretch) has owfs-3.1p1. You can use the owfs packages
from the Raspbian testing repository. Edit (or create) your
/etc/apt/preferences to contain:
Package: *
Pin: release o=Raspbian,a=stable
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: *
Pin: release o=Raspbian,a=testing
Pin-Priority: 300
This is important so you keep stable (Jessie) for all packages but the
ones explicitly taken from testing (Stretch).

Then, add a line
deb testing main contrib
non-free rpi
to your /etc/apt/sources.list to get access to the Raspbian testing

Do an

$ sudo apt-get update

to read the package metadata, then check

$ sudo apt-cache policy

whether the testing repo is there with priority 300. Then

$ sudo apt-get update -t testing owserver ow-shell

That should install all you need, including the startup files and
systemd units. Note you have to edit /etc/owfs.conf again to contain
(this and only this)
!server: server = localhost:4304
server: w1
Restart the owserver service after that.

Kind regards


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