If you could point me to a known working hardware/software configuration on or 
offline I would be quite grateful. 


> On Feb 11, 2017, at 12:08 AM, Johan Ström <jo...@stromnet.se> wrote:
>> On 11/02/17 06:16, Alastair D'Silva wrote:
>> By the way, if you do an onewire LED driver, the feature I adore most is
>>> synchronous control over a whole bus. So multiple LED units can be pre-
>>> programmed to dim in a controlled fashion starting at a single point in
>> time.
>>> You had to implement a new command similar to "Convert T" to achieve this.
>>> That would break any existing driver but is extremly simple to implement
>> in
>>> your own driver (and the simultanenous code, of course).
>> That sounds like a great idea, thanks.
>> These are the commands I have implemented currently:
>> ALL_OFF        (sets all the channels on the device off, maybe a candidate
>> for a simultaneous command?)
>> COUNT_CHANNELS    returns the number of available channels to the master
>> SET_CHANNEL        fades a channel to a specified RGBW value over a
>> specified time
>> GET_CHANNEL        gets the current RGBW value of a channel, and the
>> fade time remaining
>> It should be relatively straightforward to add a COMMIT command which only
>> starts fading the requested channels once received.
> I've done some (not yet published) work on MoaT (another custom slave) 
> to add some LED PWM'ing capabilities. It have been on pause lately 
> though, but the prototype is lying on my desk and have been fading a LED 
> strip up and down for a few months now.
> Anyway, my prototype has support for the following settings/modes:
> * Direct PWM duty cycle control (for setting a static value)
> * "Breath" / ramp / flash mode: Fades back and forth between two min/max 
> values, with adjustable step size (how much to inc/dec the PWM output), 
> step duration (how long to wait between each inc/dec), and hold duration 
> (how long to wait at min/max). With zero step duration it's just 
> flashing between min/max.
> * Repeat mode: same as above but just repeats the specified number of 
> times. Useful for i.e "flash 10 times then stay off" (or on, configurable).
> This gives quite a few parameters to control for each channel though, 
> could perhaps be simplified or improved..
> I had the same idea about a "master" control, can probably be very 
> useful indeed!
> Well, just wanted to throw it out there.. Perhaps it can inspire some 
> good ideas, and perhaps that can inspire me to get back on working with 
> it :)
> /Johan
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