Am 12.12.2017 um 06:07 schrieb joep:
> Way back, in Apr 22, 2012 5:42pm to be precise, Patryk-6 started a 
> thread called 'usb-i2c-1wire tutorial' (at
> in which he
> started discussing a USB-to-1-wire bus master to replace the then
> discontinued DS2490. I believe that the DS2490 has now been replaced
> by the DS2490r which is in production so Patryk-6's need may no
> longer be there.
There is no such thing as a DS2490R. The DS2490 is the chip inside the
blue **DS9490R** and DS9490B adapters. Ten years ago, you could buy the
DS2490 chip to build similar adapters yourself but in 2010 or so Maxim
decided not to sell the chip any more.

You can still buy the blue adapters though.

> One possible implementation is for a
> USB-to-I2C interface (using, for example, an adafruit FT232H breakout
> unit) driving a DS2482-800 (or multiple DS24282-100) to give multiple
> independent 1-wire busses.
Correct. But using one or more Raspberry B Zero W running owserver may
be a **cheaper** and simpler idea, as the Raspberries already have
exposed I²C buses. See it as a WLAN to Onewire bridge.

> The main questions I'm interested in resolving is: Can I use OWFS
> drivers to drive a DS2482-800 through the USB-to-i2C interface
> (FT232H)?
OWFS uses the Linux kernel to access I²C, so any USB-I²C adapter for
which a Linux kernel driver exists will work.

Kind regards


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