On 07/03/18 07:40, Johan Ström wrote:
On 06/03/18 07:47, Jan Kandziora wrote:
Am 06.03.2018 um 07:23 schrieb Johan Ström:
And no opinion against here either.. SF seems to have shaped up last day
or two, but who know how long that will keep..

What are your suggestions?

Move GIT only, and keep site + mailinglist on sourceforge?
Releases on Github I guess?

100% Github, please. The numerous ways to file bug reports and asking
for help make me dizzy already.
Moving tickets and pull requests, yes definitely.

Mailinglist fills a function which github tickets does not really fill,
imo. I'd be fine with just keeping that on SF (and of course the
owfs-developers archive, very important resource!), not sure if there is
anything else to keep.
My sync script starts exhibiting weird behavior... it tried to remove all branches and tags from github mirror, as they had disappeared from sourceforge! Of course they hadn't, I assume Sourceforge servers got confused somewhere and said that there where no branches... including master..! The "git fetch --prune" command had pruned them all at least. Good thing they seem to be back now, but seems to go back and forth a bit...

Whatever we do, I really suggest shutting down Sourceforge git. Still only me and Jan with commit access on github, but I assume any previous commiters will raise their voices when they need to commit, if not before.

*If no-one protests in the coming days,* I will*:*
* Make the Source Forge repo read-only for all current developers/admins (as well as it can be done)
* Set custom Checkout URL on sourceforge to point to github
* Remove all non-master branches from sourceforge.
* Adjust my clone script to pull from github and push master + tags to sourceforge instead, then it can make a best-effort to work.

* See if I can make sourceforge tickets readonly
* as well as possible update all info to point code+tickets to github repo

I'm not familiar with procedures of building releases, as that will change a bit, perhaps Jan who have done latest release can add step by step instructions for how it works today, into some doc file?

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