I had a temperature sensor fail and replaced it but I am seeing strange results from the new one.

This is what I see.  Why do Temperature 11 & 12 seem OK but 9, 10 and Lasttemp are all 85?  Is it a bad sensor?

*address*       2848999D0400006C

*crc8*  6C
*errata*        errata 
*family*        28
*fasttemp*      85
*id*    48999D040000
*latesttemp*    85
*locator*       FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
*power*         YES (1)
*r_address*     6C0000049D994828
*r_id*  0000049D9948
*r_locator*     FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


*temperature*   20.4375
*temperature10*         85
*temperature11*         20.4375
*temperature12*         20.4375
*temperature9*  85



*type*  DS18B20

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