Dear all,

I have a problem with write operation on an OWLIM repository.

I can perform a query operation but when I try to perform a write operation I get the following exception :

[ERROR exceptions.one_way] java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection is closed
java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection is closed
at com.ontotext.trree.SailConnectionImpl.addStatement(Unknown Source)
at org.openrdf.repository.sail.SailRepositoryConnection.addWithoutCommit ( at org.openrdf.repository.base.RepositoryConnectionBase.addWithoutCommit ( at org.openrdf.repository.base.RepositoryConnectionBase.add ( at (

My write method is the following :

public void write(Statement stmt) {
        RepositoryConnection conn = null;
        try {
            conn = this.repository.getConnection();
            System.out.println("isOpen=" + conn.isOpen());
            conn.add(stmt, new URIImpl(spaceURI.toString()));
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (RepositoryException e) {

The sysout return isOpen=true.

Does someone has an idea of the problem ?

My second problem is about Serialization. I am retrieving Statements from an OWLIM repository. I put each Statement in a Set and i transmit this Set to another JVM on an another machine. Objects need to be Serializable and it seems that Statement are not Serializable.

I am cheating by using this kind of method :

for (Statement stmt : mySet) {
newSet.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl(stmt.getSubject ().stringValue()), new URIImpl( stmt.getPredicate().stringValue()), new BNodeImpl (stmt.getObject()

The problem is that I am not sure that new BNodeImpl(stmt.getObject ().stringValue())) will be the same that stmt.getObject. Is it right ?

I will have the same problem with TupleQueryResult. How to Serialize these two kinds of results ?


Kind Regards
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