Hi Barry2,

I hadn't, but I just did and it had no discernible effect.



On 9 Jul 2012, at 22:26, Barry Norton wrote:

> Just to throw in - you've tried this with a UNION rather than the property 
> path alternative, I guess?
> Barry2
> On 09/07/2012 21:07, Barry Bishop wrote:
>> Hi Jeni,
>> I suspect you have run in to a recent query optimisation problem, but to be 
>> sure, could you tell me which version of OWLIM-SE you are using (including 
>> build number)?
>> I'll check with the developers in the morning.
>> Regards,
>> barry
>> Barry Bishop
>> OWLIM Product Manager
>> Ontotext AD
>> Tel: +43 650 2000 237
>> email: barry.bis...@ontotext.com
>> skype: bazbishop
>> www.ontotext.com
>> On 09/07/12 17:31, Jeni Tennison wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a query which is performing very poorly in OWLIM-SE, but very well 
>>> in OWLIM-Lite. This is a simplified version which displays the same 
>>> characteristics:
>>> PREFIX task: <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/def/task/>
>>> SELECT ?process (COUNT(?task) AS ?count)
>>> WHERE {
>>>  {
>>>    SELECT DISTINCT ?task ?process
>>>    WHERE {
>>>      ?task task:process ?process .
>>>      FILTER (
>>>        ?process = 
>>> <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/process/prepare/effects> ||
>>>        ?process = 
>>> <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/process/review/prepare/effects>
>>>      )
>>>      OPTIONAL { ?task task:endedBy|task:endedAt ?unassignedEnded . }
>>>      FILTER (!BOUND(?unassignedEnded))
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> GROUP BY ?process
>>> This takes several seconds in OWLIM-SE but only about 100ms with OWLIM-Lite 
>>> (there are other differences in the servers of the two repositories, but 
>>> only ones that would lead me to imagine that the OWLIM-SE machine would be 
>>> faster).
>>> To give you an idea of size, the results are:
>>> <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/process/prepare/effects> 906
>>> <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/process/review/prepare/effects> 907
>>> The lines which seem to be causing the problem are
>>>      OPTIONAL { ?task task:endedBy|task:endedAt ?unassignedEnded . }
>>>      FILTER (!BOUND(?unassignedEnded))
>>> I have tried several rewrites of these lines, including using FILTER ( NOT 
>>> EXISTS { ... } ). This is the most performant that I've found, but it's 
>>> still too slow. If I remove these lines, the results are:
>>> <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/process/prepare/effects> 2594
>>> <http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/process/review/prepare/effects> 2594
>>> so it's having to do a bit of filtering, but it's not like there are tens 
>>> of millions of tasks for it to exclude.
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might rewrite the query to get 
>>> better performance, or why there might be this big difference in 
>>> performance between versions of OWLIM?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeni
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