Hi Marek,

the logged error is a false alarm. The cause of it is that, sometime ago, we changed the default value of an jvm parameter that is used to specify additional plugins to be initialized (not listed in the respective services file within META-INF folder of the jar) from <nothing> to "" (an empty string). The error is logged because we could not initialize a plugin with "" class name. We will fix that so to do not give such false alarms in the next maintenance release.

Damyan Ognyanov
Ontotext AD
On 1/11/2013 11:56 AM, Marek Šurek wrote:
I see this error message for quite long time in our logs, but as it was not crucial I ignored it. May I ask what the error message means and why it's there? What are consequences of such error, because error is quite strong log message? We use geo-spatial plugin and lucene plugin, but the error message is there even when they are disabled.

[ERROR] 2013-01-11 10:39:39,120 [repositories/repository-name] Plugin '' not found in classpath. Skipping...

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