Hi Stefano,

We are sorry to hear that you experience problems!
We gave a try to reproduce this issue with synthetic data consisting of 1M statements and 100 owl:sameAs links between random entities, performing thousands of small updates in the background of heavy long-running queries and killing the Owlim's process from time to time and then restarting, but couldn't get corrupted predicate statistics.

Can you please send us your Owlim config file and the file 'predicates' in your storage folder (as defined in the config; the storage folder contains files like 'entities', 'pso.index', etc.; 'predicates' is a binary file which contains entity IDs + counters) if you keep the corrupted image?


On 03/28/2013 04:01 PM, Stefano Parmesan wrote:
Thank you Marek,

I'll give it a try, I cleaned the repository without updating the conf a
couple of hours ago and the issue haven't appeared yet, but as you say this
may lead to issues in the future so why not.


2013/3/28 Marek Šurek <marek_su...@yahoo.co.uk>

as long as I understand the error and behaviour it causes (I experienced
this error few times before so I'm familiar), it can end with two
scenarios, but both are considered as blocker/critical bugs:
1. You didn't recieve results which you should recieve (all data indicate
the query is correct but even though you don't get all results you should
2. As statistics are broken the query which should normally take 1sec now
runs e.g 20 minutes.

I think the second option fits to you. When query is executed, it is
normally running and in some future it will give results, but as it needs
the much higher time to return results it blocks database(instead of taking
database resources for 1second it uses it for 20 minutes and therefore you
see such high CPU usage). The thing that you noticed this behaviour this
morning is just lucky concidence and sooner or later you will certainly
fall into trouble.
I think the statistics which are broken are always related to specific
predicates. As you didn't use the predicate which has broken statistics,
you didn't notice it.

 From my previous experience, disabling context-index + also set index
compression to -1 could solve some issues (but probably you'll have to
reload the database). It is certainly not cure, but it can help you to work
with application until the bug will be fixed.
Hope I explain it bit to you. Hope the fix will come soon.

Best regards,

*From:* Stefano Parmesan <parme...@spaziodati.eu>
*To:* Marek <marek_su...@yahoo.co.uk>
*Cc:* "owlim-discussion@ontotext.com" <owlim-discussion@ontotext.com>
*Sent:* Thursday, 28 March 2013, 14:10
*Subject:* Re: [Owlim-discussion] Owlim-SE not responding with high CPU

$ grep "ERROR IN PREDICATE STATISTICS" catalina.out | wc -l
(since the 25th)

Apparently the last error is of yesterday afternoon, but we experienced
such problems this morning as well, I can't say if they are related.

Thanks and regards

2013/3/28 Marek <marek_su...@yahoo.co.uk>

  we experienced very similar behaviour with nearly the same usecase. i
reported one bug which was in our case temporarily solved by turning off
context index. recently i found other very similar issue, which is not
reportwd yet as i cant figure out the cause. look pls into catalina.out
whether there is not log "error in predicate statistics" which appears in
both mentioned issues. maybe we hit the same problem.
best regards,
From: Stefano Parmesan <parme...@spaziodati.eu>
Sent: 28.3.2013 12:09
To: owlim-discussion@ontotext.com
Subject: [Owlim-discussion] Owlim-SE not responding with high CPU load

Hi everybody,

We are evaluating Owlim-SE 5.3.5849 but we are encountering some issues:

Our test repository contains around 1 million triples (around 100 of those
are owl:sameAs) and have concurrent applications both inserting and
querying (through sesame-console and the sparql endpoint provided by the
sesame-workbench). The machine is a 12-core 64GB ram debian machine.
Everything worked fine as of today, when something happened while we were
submitting a high load to the sparql endpoint. Since then, tomcat7 uses
from 200% to 650% of cpu, and the sparql endpoint does not respond with
even simple queries.

We tried restarting tomcat7 multiple times, but as soon as it comes back
the CPU usage increases again and there's no way to do anything (through
both sesame-workbench and sesame-console).

Could this be due to some misconfiguration? Is this a known issue? How can
we know what's really happening (apart from
checking .aduna/openrdf-sesame/logs)?

We could clear the repository and start from scratch, but as we are
evaluating Owlim for production usage we need to find out what's the issue
to better understand if it fits our needs.

Dott. Stefano Parmesan
Web Developer ~ SpazioDati s.r.l.
Via del Brennero, 52 – 38122 Trento – Italy

Dott. Stefano Parmesan
Web Developer ~ SpazioDati s.r.l.
Via del Brennero, 52 – 38122 Trento – Italy

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