On 05/04/13 23:58, Jerven Bolleman wrote:
Dear OWLIM developers,

PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX up:<http://purl.uniprot.org/core/>
SELECT (count(DISTINCT(?protein)) as ?count) WHERE {
        ?protein a up:Protein ;
            up:reviewed true ;
            rdfs:seeAlso ?link .
Is allowed
PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX up:<http://purl.uniprot.org/core/>
SELECT (count(REDUCED(?protein)) as ?count) WHERE {
        ?protein a up:Protein ;
            up:reviewed true ;
            rdfs:seeAlso ?link .
throws a malformed query exception.
How come this the case?

This is because REDUCED is not allowed as a qualifier for aggregate functions, only DISTINCT can be used in this way. This is not a Sesame restrictions but a feature of the spec. See the SPARQL grammar for aggregates: http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#rAggregate

So there is no bug here. Your second query is simply incorrect SPARQL. I assume this has been done simply because having REDUCED in an aggregate (where the exact behavior is undefined) is unlikely to be useful in practice.

As an aside, REDUCED as a qualifier for the SELECT clause (as opposed to aggregate functions) is a feature that has been supported by Sesame and OWLIM for a long while, since SPARQL 1.0 became a standard - though I must admit I have never used it myself and know of very few use cases in practice.

The default evaluation strategy for it in Sesame is to filter out duplicates that are sequential. For example, (A, A, B, A , B, B, C, B) will be reduced to (A, B, A, B, C, B).


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