Thanks Barry, yes, that solved the problem!

On 30 April 2013 12:06, Barry Norton <> wrote:

> Danica, I'm not sure if it explains your problem, but you're not closing
> all your objects:
> Barry
> On 30/04/2013 12:01, Danica Damljanovic wrote:
> Hi all
>  Just struggling with:
> "Unable to start transaction: data file is locked or read-only"
>  which seems to disappear as soon as I manually delete my 'repositories'
> dir.
>  It seems that we are somehow not closing the connection or repository
> properly, but in the code if you look below we actually do.
>  Any hints much appreciated!
>  I also attach our owim.ttl file (and the Java class which includes the
> code below).
>  Mac OS X, OWLIM Lite 5.1
>      private void createAndInitialiseLocalRepository() {
>          // Parse the configuration file, assuming it is in Turtle format
>         Graph repositoryRdfDescription = null;
>          File configFile = null;
>          try {
>             ResourcePatternResolver resolver = 
> newPathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
>             Resource[] resources = resolver.getResources(config);
>             //configFile = (File) config.getFile();
>             configFile = (File) resources[0].getFile();
>   "Using configuration file: " +
> configFile.getAbsolutePath());
>             repositoryRdfDescription = parseFile(configFile, RDFFormat.
> TURTLE, "";);
>   "Done reading config: " +
> configFile.getAbsolutePath());
>         } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
>   "There was an error reading/parsing the Turtle
> configuration file '" + config
>                             + "': " + e.getMessage());
>         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
>   "The turtle configuration file '" + config
>                             + "' was not found, please check the '" + "'
> parameter");
>         } catch (IOException e) {
>   "An I/O error occurred while processing the
> configuration file '" + config
>                             + "': " + e.getMessage());
>         }
>          if (repositoryRdfDescription == null) {
>             throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create
> repositoryRdfDescription");
>         }
>          // Look for the subject of the first matching statement for
>         // "?s type Repository"
>         final String repositoryUri = "
>         final String repositoryIdUri = "
>         Iterator<Statement> iter =
>                         repositoryRdfDescription.match(null, RDF.TYPE, 
> newURIImpl(repositoryUri));
>         org.openrdf.model.Resource repositoryNode = null;
>         if (iter.hasNext()) {
>             Statement st =;
>             repositoryNode = st.getSubject();
>         }
>         if (repositoryNode == null) {
>             String msg = "The turtle configuration file '"
>                             + configFile.getName()
>                             + "' does not contain a valid repository
> description, because it is missing a resource with rdf:type <"
>                             + repositoryUri + ">";
>   ;
>             throw new RuntimeException(msg);
>         }
>          // Get the repository ID (and ignore the one passed with the
>         // 'repository' parameter
>         iter = repositoryRdfDescription.match(repositoryNode, 
> newURIImpl(repositoryIdUri),
> null);
>         if (iter.hasNext()) {
>             Statement st =;
>             repositoryId = st.getObject().stringValue();
>         } else {
>             String msg = "The turtle configuration file '"
>                             + configFile.getName()
>                             + "' does not contain a valid repository
> description, because it is missing a <"
>                             + repositoryUri + "> with a property <" +
> repositoryIdUri + ">";
>   ;
>             throw new RuntimeException(msg);
>         }
>          try {
>             // Create a manager for local repositories and initialise it
>             repositoryManager = new LocalRepositoryManager(new File(
> localRepositoryManagerDir));
>             repositoryManager.initialize();
>         } catch (RepositoryException e) {
>   ;
>             throw new RuntimeException(e);
>         }
>          try {
>             // Create a configuration object from the configuration file
> and
>             // add it to the repositoryManager
>             RepositoryConfig repositoryConfig =
> RepositoryConfig.create(repositoryRdfDescription, repositoryNode);
>             repositoryManager.addRepositoryConfig(repositoryConfig);
>         } catch (OpenRDFException e) {
>             String msg = "Unable to process the repository configuration:
> " + e.getMessage();
>   ;
>             throw new RuntimeException(msg);
>         }
>      }
>      @PostConstruct
>     public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
>         if (repositoryURL != null && !"".equals(repositoryURL)) {
>             if (username != null && password != null) {
>                 rep = new HTTPRepository(repositoryURL, repositoryId);
>                 ((HTTPRepository) rep).setUsernameAndPassword(username,
> password);
>             } else {
>                 throw new Exception("Not valid username & password for
> the http repository");
>             }
>             loaded = true;
>         } else {
>             // construct local repository
>             // rep = new SailRepository(new MemoryStore());
>             createAndInitialiseLocalRepository();
>             rep = repositoryManager.getRepository("owlim"); // TODOshould be 
> repositoryId ??
>             loaded = false;
>         }
>         try {
>             rep.initialize();
>   "Successfully connected to the Sesame Repository
> using impl: "
>                             + rep.getClass().getName());
>             connection = rep.getConnection();
>             if (connection != null) {
>                 log.debug("Connection established");
>             }
>              if (loaded) {
>                 populateCache();
>             }
>          } catch (final RepositoryException e) {
>   "Not being able to connect to the HTTPRepository:" +
> repositoryURL + "|"
>                             + repositoryId);
>             e.printStackTrace();
>         }
>      }
>      @PreDestroy
>     public void destroy() throws Exception {
>         rep.shutDown();
>         repositoryManager.shutDown();
>         connection.close();
>     }
>      public void loadResources(Resource[] resources) throwsRDFParseException, 
> RepositoryException,
>                     IOException {
>         int numberOfFilesToLoad = resources.length;
>         int currentFileNumber = 1;
>         for (Resource resource : resources) {
>             String uri = resource.getURI().toString();
>             String ext = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
>             RDFFormat format = null;
>             boolean skip = false;
>             if ("owl".equalsIgnoreCase(ext) || "rdf".equalsIgnoreCase(ext)
>                             || "rdfs".equalsIgnoreCase(ext)) {
>                 format = RDFFormat.RDFXML;
>             } else if ("nt".equalsIgnoreCase(ext)) {
>                 format = RDFFormat.NTRIPLES;
>             } else if ("n3".equalsIgnoreCase(ext)) {
>                 format = RDFFormat.N3;
>             } else if ("ttl".equalsIgnoreCase(ext)) {
>                 format = RDFFormat.TURTLE;
>             } else {
>       "Skipping uri:" + uri);
>                 skip = true;
>             }
>             if (!skip) {
>                 assert format != null : ext;
>       "Started loading " + uri + "(" +
> currentFileNumber + "/"
>                                 + numberOfFilesToLoad + ")");
>                 try {
>                      connection.add(resource.getInputStream(), "
>";, format);
>            + " loaded.");
>                 } catch (Exception e) {
>           "There was a problem with this uri, uri not
> loaded:" + uri + "\n"
>                                     + e.getMessage());
>                     e.printStackTrace();
>                 }
>              }
>             currentFileNumber++;
>          }
>     }
>      public int loadData() throws Exception {
>         // File ontologyDir = preloadDir.getFile();
>         // log.debug("Loading from: " + preloadDir.getFilename());
>         ResourcePatternResolver resolver = 
> newPathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
>         Resource[] resources = resolver.getResources(ontologyLoadPattern);
>         loadResources(resources);
>         return populateCache();
>     }
>      /**
>      * Parse the given RDF file and return the contents as a Graph
>      *
>      * @param configurationFile The file containing the RDF data
>      * @return The contents of the file as an RDF graph
>      * @throws RDFHandlerException
>      * @throws RDFParseException
>      * @throws IOException
>      */
>     private Graph parseFile(File configurationFile, RDFFormat format,
> String defaultNamespace)
>                     throws RDFParseException, RDFHandlerException,
> IOException {
>         Reader reader = new FileReader(configurationFile);
>          final Graph graph = new GraphImpl();
>         RDFParser parser = Rio.createParser(format);
>         RDFHandler handler = new RDFHandler() {
>             @Override
>             public void endRDF() throws RDFHandlerException {}
>              @Override
>             public void handleComment(String arg0) throwsRDFHandlerException 
> {}
>              @Override
>             public void handleNamespace(String arg0, String arg1) 
> throwsRDFHandlerException {}
>              @Override
>             public void handleStatement(Statement statement) 
> throwsRDFHandlerException {
>                 graph.add(statement);
>             }
>              @Override
>             public void startRDF() throws RDFHandlerException {}
>         };
>         parser.setRDFHandler(handler);
>         parser.parse(reader, defaultNamespace);
>         return graph;
>     }
>  Thanks
> Danica
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