Hello Barry,

thanks for your suggestions!

Importing and exporting is not our problem, the data size is not that
large - we made good experiences with the TriG format here (Contexts
normally do not exceed 500MB when exported).

However, my question was more towards the parallel usage of OwlimSE and
Owlim Lite on THE SAME MACHINE at the same time. Is this even possible?
So our plan was to install Owlim Lite in parallel to Owlim SE on the
same server and then import the contexts into Owlim Lite. Then we wanted
to shut down the OwlimSE and migrate it... with the Owlim Lite running
as a productive store as long as the migration of OwlimSE takes. Is this
plan doable?

Best regards,


Am Freitag, den 07.06.2013, 15:51 +0200 schrieb Barry Bishop: 
> Hello Jakob,
> Firstly, how much data do you have? Would it be possible just to
> export your data to a file (TriG format works well) and then simply
> upload this to the new instance?
> Can I suggest you have a look at the topics in the FAQ about this:
> https://confluence.ontotext.com/display/OWLIMv53/OWLIM
> +FAQ#OWLIMFAQ-Backup%2Frestore%2Fimport%2Fexport
> If export/import is not practical (due to very large data), then
> another method is just to copy the storage folder from one instance to
> another. You will need to:
> 1. shutdown the first server
> 2. make a copy of the storage directory (and subdirectories) - easiest
> to put these all in a zip file
> 3. start the new server
> 4. create a repository with the appropriate configuration
> 5. shutdown the new server (e.g. service tomcat7 stop)
> 6. unzip the DB image over the new repository's storage folder
> 7. restart the new server
> Some useful information about where the storage folder might be on
> different operating systems can be found here:
> https://confluence.ontotext.com/display/OWLIMv53/OWLIM-SE
> +Installation#OWLIM-SEInstallation-Usefulinformation
> e.g. on my system, the storage folder for a repository called "w1" is
> found here:
> /usr/share/tomcat7/.aduna/openrdf-sesame/repositories/w1/storage/
> I hope this helps,
> barry
> PS
> Please have a look at http://answers.ontotext.com and feel free to ask
> questions there!
> On 06/07/2013 01:43 PM, Jakob Moellers wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > in our institute, we want to migrate an OwlimSE instance over to another
> > server. The thing is that we only have one license, so we cannot install
> > the new instance before shutting down our current one. For this
> > migration, we want to decrease the downtime of our services by
> > installing Owlim Lite on our current server, copy the data to Owlim Lite
> > and then change our services to work with Owlim Lite. Then we can
> > shutdown OwlimSE and migrate our OwlimSE instance.
> > 
> > My question is: is it possible to do this? When I install Owlim Lite by
> > deploying the .war files, I cannot change the port of the installation
> > (at least this is not documented). I would therefore overwrite the
> > OwlimSE settings and therefore cause downtime and possibly crash the
> > whole server.
> > 
> > It would be kind if you could give me some feedback for my issue!
> > 
> > Thanks and best regards, Jakob
> > 
> > 
> > 
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