Owncloud Users,

I am pleased to announce the forth release of sogosync base on Z-Push 2.0 final. I develop it against a SOGo server, however as both Owncloud and SOGo use CalDAV and CardDAV standard, it should work the same.

It support read/write carddav and caldav and support multiple address book and calendar.

It has been tested on iOS 5.1.1 and Android emulator (2.3.3/4.0.3)

It is Open Source software release under AGPLv3 and host on Github.com.

Please feel free to feedback, contribute to the code.


Thanks to all you, who help sogosync getting better.

Changes from v0.3.0 to v0.4.0
- Z-Push 2.0
- Updated: documentation
- Added: wiki
- Changed: Improved carddav speed on big (+400) addressbook
- Fixed: CalDAV event reminder (issue #7)
- Fixed: Unknown WebClient warning in SOGo
- Fixed: MimeType 'text/*' warning in SOGo
- Fixed: CalDAV 2 way sync (issue #30)
- Fixed: alldayevent start & endtime (issue #36)

Kind regards,
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