On 18.07.2012 08:40, Steven Ulrich wrote:
hi, is it possible to encrypt a connection with ssl usingthe ownCloud
2012 Linux Client 1.0.3?
On Wednesday 18 July 2012 11:42:21 Klaas Freitag wrote:
Yes, just specify your ownCloud url ashttps://myowncloud.bla.foo/, mind
the 's'
Christian Reiner wrote:
We checked that question this morning on IRC.
For me things work as expected and as you suggest.

He said on his side the "https" was automatically changed into
not sure if he used the wizard or manually changed the config file,
though. We both use the linux client in version 1.0.3.

Klaas Freitag wrote:

In the config, it should say https which than gets rewritten to
ownclouds by the software.
Hello Klaas, hello Christian

i have edited the owncloud client (1.0.3) config -> change url -> http to https.
https://xxxx/owncloud/owncloud/files/webdav.php/clientsync  works  well  in the 

System: Ubuntu 12.4, 64

If i try to start the client, i get the follow log messages: (i only change 
http to https)

07-18 14:24:43:545 "################## ownCloud de_DE 1.0.3 "
07-18 14:24:43:552 Creating static NetworkAccessManager
07-18 14:24:43:556 * Network is online
07-18 14:24:43:688 Network Location:  ""
07-18 14:24:43:689 Get Request to  "status.php"
07-18 14:24:43:689 Setting up host header:  "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
07-18 14:24:43:936 SSL-Warnings happened for url  
07-18 14:24:43:936 Certs are already known and trusted, Warnings are not valid.
07-18 14:24:44:012 status.php returns:  
"{"installed":"true","version":"4.0.0","versionstring":"4","edition":""}"   0  
Reply:  QNetworkReplyImpl(0x1b770c0)
07-18 14:24:44:012 Unknown info from ownCloud status.php:  "installed" = "true"
07-18 14:24:44:012 ** Application: ownCloud found:  "https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/owncloud";  with 
version  "4" ( "4.0.0" )
07-18 14:24:44:012 ** Setting ownCloud Server version to  "4.0.0"
07-18 14:24:44:015 # checking for authentication settings.
07-18 14:24:44:015 Get Request to  "/"
07-18 14:24:44:015 Setting up host header:  "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
07-18 14:24:44:144 ######## Credentials are ok!
07-18 14:24:44:144 * Setup folders from  
07-18 14:24:44:144   ` -> setting up: "ownCloud"
07-18 14:24:44:144 "    -> file path: 
07-18 14:24:44:144 setting remote poll timer interval to 31775 msec for folder  
07-18 14:24:44:144 (+) Watcher: "/home/locale/ownCloud"
07-18 14:24:44:151     `-> and 39 subdirectories
07-18 14:24:44:151 * Pending events for "/home/locale/ownCloud" will be processed after 
events stop for 1000 seconds ( "14:41:24" ). 0 events until now )
07-18 14:24:44:151   ==> returning exclude file path:  "/etc/exclude.lst"
07-18 14:24:44:151 ****** ownCloud folder using watcher *******
07-18 14:24:44:151 Adding folder to Folder Map  
07-18 14:24:45:217 * Processing of event queue for "/home/locale/ownCloud"
07-18 14:24:45:217   * Notify 0 changed items for "/home/locale/ownCloud"
07-18 14:24:45:217 ** Changed was notified on  ()
07-18 14:24:45:217 *  "ownCloud" Poll timer disabled
07-18 14:24:45:217 Schedule folder  "ownCloud"  to sync!
07-18 14:24:45:217 XX slotScheduleFolderSync: folderQueue size:  1
07-18 14:24:45:224 Sync state changed for folder  "ownCloud" :  false
07-18 14:24:45:224 *** Start syncing url to ownCloud:  
"ownclouds://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/owncloud/files/webdav.php/clientsync" , with 
localOnly:  false
07-18 14:24:45:224 ## CSync Thread local only:  false


07-18 14:24:45:226 csync.api - Remote replica: 
07-18 14:24:45:226 csync.api - Statedb: 
07-18 14:24:45:266 csync.statedb - sqlite3_compile error: no such table: 
metadata - on query SELECT COUNT(phash) FROM metadata LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;
07-18 14:24:45:266 csync.statedb - statedb doesn't exist
07-18 14:24:45:268 csync.owncloud - opendir method called on 
07-18 14:24:45:268 csync.owncloud - * scheme ownclouds
07-18 14:24:45:268 csync.owncloud - * host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
07-18 14:24:45:268 csync.owncloud - * port 0
07-18 14:24:45:268 csync.owncloud - * path /owncloud/files/webdav.php/clientsync
07-18 14:24:45:268 csync.owncloud - * user
07-18 14:24:45:269 csync.owncloud - ne_sock_init: 0
07-18 14:24:45:285     * csync thread started
07-18 14:24:45:285     * event notification  disabled
07-18 14:24:45:285 >===================================== sync started for  
07-18 14:24:45:642 Access dienied to remote uri: 
ownclouds://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/owncloud/files/webdav.php/clientsync -
07-18 14:24:45:642 Synchronisation is not possible!
07-18 14:24:45:642 #### ERROR String emitted: "
Das Zielverzeichnis 
ownclouds://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/owncloud/files/webdav.php/clientsync existiert 
Bitte überprüfen Sie die Konfiguration.

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