Google has just announced Google Code-in 2012, a contest for high
school students
It would be great to see tasks related to ownCloud among the ones that
will challenge those students.

Only 10 organizations will be accepted to the contest, so ownCloud
won't have many chances to be accepted if we apply by ourselves.
As we have been doing with Google Summer of Code for three years now,
we could apply under the KDE umbrella. I talked with Lydia Pintscher
(in cc) and she said she is fine with ownCloud applying under KDE, as
long as there 2 or 3 very responsive people from oC willing to
supervise the tasks.

We could focus on tasks related to documentation/training, which is
lacking in ownCloud at the moment. Any takers to supervise the tasks?
I candidate myself, but we need at least two more people. Let me know
if you are interested. More generally, do you think we should try to
take part in Google Code-in?

Alessandro (aka zimba12)
Owncloud mailing list

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