Am Mittwoch, dem 26.09.2012 um 14:48 schrieb Sedir Morais:
> Hello everyone,

Hi Sedir,

thanks a lot for the notification!
And thanks a lot for maintaining the Brazilian translation.

Please keep an eye on the translations status as we are still pushing new 
strings to transifex the next days.
Hopefully not that much ;-)
> I came here to say that Portuguese (Brazilian) translation is good to go.
> This project is so amazing that I didn't mind to spend some hours finishing
> the translation.
> Thanks to all contributors, developers and translators, for this great feat.
> I posted here so you developers can make them available as soon as possible
> on GIT.

There is an automated process, which grabs the translations every night.

Thanks a lot and keep it up!

Tom aka DeepDiver
> Thanks! :)
> -- 
> Sedir Morais
> Pesquisador do Laboratório de Inovação Tecnológica em Saúde (LAIS-UFRN)
> Graduando em Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (IFRN)
> Dir. de Relações Institucionais do Centro Acadêmico de Tecnologia em
> Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (CAADS-IFRN)
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