I can only second Jans opinion. Peope on the IRC channel and mailing list complained about being unable to post bugs or finding it hard to do(including myself). Some of them even gave up.

I think the choice to move to Github was a good one and i think its good that this was done sooner, also because of the 4.5 and 4.5.1 release where most bugs are being reported.

As for the other choices: Bugzilla is no solution, just look at Gnomes bugtracker: Slow as hell. I think thats the problem with most of them. And if its not easy to report bugs, people just wont do it.

So in general i dont see a problem by not discussing this on the meeting or digging deeper into it. This had to be fixed fast and there werent many usable alternatives.

On 10/24/2012 03:35 PM, Diederik de Haas wrote:
On Wednesday 24 October 2012 09:09:01 Jan-Christoph Borchardt wrote:
We discussed this several times on the mailing list – I know because I
brought it up so often, and it wasn’t cut short.
Git vs Gitorous: yes, bugtracker: no
Cut short: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/owncloud/2012-September/005565.html

Since discussing this further is pointless, I'll just say I won't be this guy:
http://xkcd.com/386/ ;-)

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