My issue is described in detail in this[1] thread.
I tried running index.php in commandline by "php5 index.php". It eats up
all memory and still seems to be going. It is currently using
3200MB(seriously, 3+GB) and climbing. I'm going to have to kill it pretty
soon because it is going to start swapping badly. CPU usage is very low.
This is after a while. Have I found a memory leak possibly?

When I run it from the browser, I get "504 Gateway Time-out".
I am running the latest Ubuntu Nginx, the latest Ubuntu PHP5, and the
latest MySQL. All that I did was set up my admin user, created my user for
my files, downloaded the latest sync client, and started it up to sync
approx. 10gb files. It looks like it got to 7gb and encountered this issue.

I will probably just end up starting over. Is there a way we can diagnose
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