On Friday 08 March 2013 10:23 Chris Green wrote:
> This is (fairly obviously) related to my other question but I decided it
> might be easier to have it in a separate thread.
> Are there any non-KDE programs which can synchronise using the CardDAV
> (http://localhost/owncloud/remote.php/carddav/) syncing address?  I
> really, really don't want to have to pull in all the KDE libraries just
> to be able to do this.

You could use syncevolution cli directly and run a regular sync with a cron 
job - or just do it manually. Not all distributions have support for DAV sync, 
AFAIK Ubuntu will only get it with 13.04.
But then you could just compile it yourself.

So what is the best alternative:

1. Pull in a few hundred MB extra libraries (MB!!! HD space is cheap and it's 
a myth that KDE apps use a lot of memory, and btw: RAM is cheap too).

2. Spend countless of hours getting the dependencies right for compiling 
syncevolution with DAV support, getting the sync set up properly, setting up a 
cron job, getting a non-KDE client that reads folders with vCards an so on...

But then again I might be a bit biased in favor of KDE ;)

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
Owncloud mailing list

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