Nice to know I'm not the only one with these problems ;-)

By the way, I solved the problem with mounting external smb storage because I 
was specifying \\smbserver instead of smbserver. I guess owncloud could 
automatically strip off the \\ or any other non-alphanumeric character for that 
matter (for those users like me who thought it was necessary to use these url 
prefixes). Anyway, this is a lesser issue compared to the rest.

Thanks again


--- On Thu, 5/23/13, Pierre Malard <> wrote:

> Ola,
> 1) You can't display more than 40 users
> I have open a bug abour that about our old LDAP server (cf
> "OC 5:
> Can't display more than 30 users on administrative OC
> widows").We don't have an AD server, just a LDAP one. It is
> still open.
> 2) The Login Name for LDAP users
> The "Login Name" is always an UUID number. If you want that
> "Display Name" should be other (email, login, …) you must
> specify it on "LDAP configuration / Advanced tab / Directory
> Settings / User Display Name Field". If you want a specific
> Home Directory Name, go to "LDAP configuration / Advanced
> tab / Special Attributes / User Home Folder Naming Rule".
> 3) LDAPS doesn't work
> I have the same problem. I have also a self-signed
> certificate and it doesn't work. And when I'm reading "If
> connection only works with this option, import the LDAP
> server's SSL certifucate in your ownCloud server." for help
> to "Turn off SSL certificate validation", I don't understand
> what it mean! Were can I store this certificate? How
> configure ownCloud to read it?
> Cheers
> Le 23 mai 2013 à 13:10, Vieri <>
> a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm new to owncloud and just trying it out.
> > 
> > I've enabled user LDAP authentication. The LDAP server
> is Active Directory.
> > 
> > My ownCloud LDAP web config contains:
> > 
> >     host:
> >     base dn: cn=users,dc=domain,dc=org
> >     User Login Filter:
> sAMAccountName=%uid
> >     User List Filter:
> objectClass=person
> >         User Display Name
> Field: displayname
> >         Base User Tree:
> cn=users,dc=hospitalmanacor,dc=org
> > 
> > When I go to "USERS" I can see a listing of all AD
> users within OwnCloud.
> > However, I can't do the following:
> > 
> > - I can only list the first 40 or so users but there's
> no way I can list more (I have around a 1000 entries in AD).
> Is there a "next page" button I'm unable to find? Is there a
> search field I can use to search for a particular user
> within LDAP (tried the search field in the top-right corner
> but didn't work)
> > - When listing all users, the second column ("Display
> Name") correctly displays the displayName attribute.
> However, the first column ("Login Name") shows a long ID
> string such as "0B0F75C7-FCE9-458A-8D58-B8E9CB3F71A7" when
> it really should be displaying the user login name (eg.
> value of sAMAccountName).
> > 
> > In any case, AD user authentication works when trying
> to login from the OwnCloud login page.
> > 
> > Also, LDAP works fine but LDAPS doesn't. I have a
> self-signed AD server certificate and it's listening on the
> standard 636 port. I tried host: ldaps:// with and
> without "Advanced/Use TLS" but it gave me a "connection OK
> but Bind failure" even if I "Turn off SSL certificate
> validation". Any ideas?
> > 
> > Finally, I'd like each AD user to mount an external
> directory via SMB/CIFS.
> > From the server command line where ownCloud is
> installed, I know I can run something like:
> > smbclient //inf-bl05/usuaris -U username
> > and it works fine.
> > However, if I go to "Personal" within the user's
> owncloud web UI and set:
> > "External Storage" -> SMB/CIFS -> Configuration:
> \\smbserver -> username -> userpassword ->
> smbsharename -> /username
> > the user is unable to access the SMB share when
> clicking on ownCloud's "Files" icon.
> > 
> > What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this?
> > 
> > Also, can the ownCloud Admin setup a default SMB
> external storage for EVERY AD/LDAP user that logs into
> ownCloud but would require the user's credentials?
> > For example, suppose \\smbserver\users is a share that
> contains several user home directories. Obviously there's a
> subdir for each user within this share with adequate
> permissions.
> > I'd like ownCloud Admin to define the external
> storage  \\smbserver\users for everyone but each user
> will then have to login with his/her credentials in order to
> access their private folders within.
> > Is this possible?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Vieri
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Owncloud mailing list
> >
> >
> ----
> Pierre Malard
>     «- Il n'y a que trois éléments
> indispensables à la vie.
>         Et il n'y a que les
> scientifiques pour penser que
>         c'est l'oxygène, l'hydrogène
> et le carbone...
>       - Quoi alors ? L'eau, l'air et le feu
> ?
>       - Non ! Le désir, le désordre et le
> danger...»
>               Manon
> Briand ; La turbulence des fluides
>       (film québécois de 2001)
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> - --> Ce message n’engage que son auteur <-- 
> -----Inline Attachment Follows-----
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> Owncloud mailing list
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