Thanks for your feedback.

On 05/28/2013 01:00 PM, Dirk Kastens wrote:
> 1. There are lots of errors in the owncloud.log:
> {"app":"PHP","message":"Call to a member function getFileInfo() on a
> non-object at
> \/var\/www\/html\/owncloud\/lib\/files\/filesystem.php#621","level":4,"time":1369737911}

I just checked my log. I don't have such a message although I heavily
tested the app during the last weeks. Are you sure that this message
only appears when the encryption app is enabled? Can you find out what
causes this error message, reading a file, writing, sharing,...

It would be also useful to know which apps are enabled on your system.

> 2. I'm authenticating against LDAP. After enabling encryption, the first
> login always fails with HTTP error 500. After reloading the page, I'm
> logged in.

I don't have a LDAP here. Can you or someone else with an LDAP try to
debug it?

> 2. owncloud becomes EXTREMELY slow after enabling encryption. Changing a
> directory in the web interface takes about 30 seconds. I first had to
> increase the memory limit in php.ini to 2048M to get owncloud to work.
> Before that I always got the error:
> {"app":"PHP","message":"Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes
> exhausted (tried to allocate 1484274654 bytes) at
> \/var\/www\/html\/owncloud\/lib\/files\/storage\/local.php#113","level":4,"time":1369732536}

This sounds strange. Changing the directory should work completely
independent from the encryption app.

> 3. Opening a big text file (an export of my Windows firewall rules), the
> text editor shows garbage on some lines (see attached pictures. The
> first shows the file with encryption disabled, the second with
> encryption enabled). The garbage occurs in regular intervals several
> times in the big file. The file itself seems to be ok, because the
> downloaded file looks good.

I will try to reproduce it with a big text file. How large is this file?
Could be also a memory limit issue.

PS. Don't hesitate to open bug reports on github, also for the preview
release. That's the easiest way to track it.


Björn Schießle <>
Software Developer
ownCloud GmbH -

Your Data, Your Cloud, Your Way!

ownCloud GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, Holger Dyroff
Schloßäckerstrasse 26a, 90443 Nürnberg, HRB 28050 (AG Nürnberg)
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