
a couple of days ago we released ownCloud Client 1.5.0 beta1 and we already got some very helpful bug reports from you, thanks for that.
We also were able to fix a couple of the bugs already.

Especially one of the bugs (#1236, #1237) has big impact on the Win32 platform and causes the client to malfunction on Windows which makes testing difficult.

We decided to provide another beta today with a fix for that and some other problems. These are the changes compared to beta1:

- Fixed Move of tmp files to final on win platform.
- Added a "retry sync" button to activity log
- Fix file download if a temp file with final size is already there
- some wording fixes
- Proper install Qt sql plugins for MacOS (fixes #1228)
- Add missing call to CloseHandle on the win32 platform.
- removed not longer needed dlls from win32 build
- Fixed condition if a file gets removed from blacklist
- minor code reorganisation for better structure
- Made details link work

- use lstat rather than stat to handle links correctly. (core#6146)
- use proper db initialization value.

You can get the beta client from http://owncloud.org/sync-clients/#testing

Please keep on testing! Report issue you might find in the github issue tracker at [1]

Again two things are important:
a) first, search if the bug was already reported! If so, add _new_ information to the issue, but please please stay away from +1's
b) please put a [1.5.0 beta1] in the subject of the issue.

A word of warning must not be missing: This is beta software, please NEVER use it in your production environment and keep a good eye on it.

Thanks a lot,


[1] https://github.com/owncloud/mirall/issues

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