Hi Roger,

There is a "Type alternative strategy" setting in the "Options" tab. But I'm not sure if it helps or not. If you send us (supp...@oxygenxml.com) a smallĀ  sample XML Schema and some details maybe we can consider this for a future version.



Radu Coravu
Oxygen XML Editor

On 7/1/21 18:12, Roger L Costello wrote:
Hi Folks,

I really, really like the tool that generates sample XML files from an XML 

But, ......................

It has a problem ..................

I have an element that is declared to have a type that is a complexType and the 
complexType is abstract. There are multiple concrete subtypes of the abstract 

When the Oxygen tool gets to the element, it realizes that its type is an 
abstract complexType, so it randomly (?) picks one of the subtypes. And it 
almost always picks the wrong subtype.

So the generated XML instance document is wrong ....................

Is there a way to tell the Oxygen tool, "Hey, when you encounter this element, with 
this parent, then use this subtype"?

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