Hi Oxygen users,
Does anyone have any examples or documentation for customizing the Outline Pane 
in Oxygen?
I'm using this page as a guide, but there's not much information for how to 
structure the <outline>

One specific question...I would like the image title to use the @placement 
attribute as the title in the outline; however, the outline uses the first 
image attribute available (the @align attribute below) in the XML instead of 
the @placement attribute.
What am I doing incorrectly?

This is my outline:    <outline>         <tocMode editable="yes" default="yes"> 
           <elements names="section table image"/>                <titleLocator 
element="section" location="@id"/>                  <titleLocator 
element="table" location="@width"/>                  <titleLocator 
element="image" location="@placement, @product"/>          </tocMode>     

This is my XML:
<image align="left" class="- topic/image " product="5600 7600" xml:lang="en-us" 
outputclass="withBorder" placement="inline"                            
Thank you!
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