Hi Scott,

Welcome to the Oxygen mailing list!

The DITA "Insert image" dialog has a "Figure title" text field. Once you fill that, it automatically inserts a figure. So what you want may not be that necessary.

Coming back to what you want, the "cc_config.xml" file does not have the ability to invoke custom actions in certain contexts.

There are other settings when creating a DITA framework extension which allow you to remove an item from the content completion window (for example remove <fig>) and add instead of it a custom Author action with the same name which may perform other things when invoked:


For example you can create a custom Author action which inserts an XML snippet like this in the document:

"<fig><title></title><image href="/${ask('Input URL', ///relative_url/)}/"/></fig>"

Oxygen has support for various editor variables which get expanded when used in XML snippets:


This "/{ask('Input URL', ///relative_url/)}/" editor variable would show a very simple URL chooser, so it does not show the "Insert image" dialog.

If you want to show the "Insert image" dialog, you have the option to create an Author action which calls a sequence of two or more other Author actions:




Radu Coravu
Oxygen XML Editor

On 10/11/22 18:07, Scott Prentice wrote:

I've added the following to my cc_config file ..

*<elementProposals path="fig" insertElements="image" />*

This properly inserts an <image> element when a <fig> is added, but the Insert Image dialog doesn't display. I tried including "insert.image" in the insertElements attribute, but that didn't do the trick.

Is it possible to get an image to be added when a fig is inserted, but also provide the Insert Image dialog?


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