Hi Scott,

As you seem to have a custom DITA OT installation inside your custom framework, why don't you also use it as a default engine for publishing in the Oxygen Preferences->DITA page?

Other than that, the DITA OT needs to have a plugin containing extra catalogs (or as a hack you need to manually make changes to the "catalog-dita.xml" inside the DITA OT). There is no possibility to enforce an extra set of XML catalogs from the exterior when  starting the DITA OT. At some point I wished there was such a way:


Also Jarno Elovirta experimented at some point with a way to install plugins in the DITA OT without the need to change any files in the DITA OT folder itself, this pull request was abandoned though:




Radu Coravu
Oxygen XML Editor

On 3/27/24 02:08, Scott Prentice wrote:
I've got a custom framework that includes an OT installation that provides our custom doctype files and custom plugins. Editing topics that use this custom doctype is handled without problems, and using transformation scenarios that are supported by the embedded OT also works fine. But, I'd like to use an OT target that lives in the default Oxygen OT installation. My Oxygen DITA settings still point to the "built-in" OT, so when I set up a transformation scenario for the Oxygen OT target, it starts to work, but fails when it can't find the custom DTD.

When I add a pointer from [OXYGEN]/org.dita.base/catalog-dita.xml that references my custom catalog, the build completes fine. BUT .. I don't want to modify the default Oxygen installation files.

Some thoughts ..

- I don't think there's a param that I can add to the transformation scenario to reference my custom catalog .. is there?

- I've tried adding my catalog in Settings > XML > XML Catalog .. but that didn't seem to have any affect.

Is there any way to add a custom catalog without editing the default Oxygen files?

Currently using Oxygen 25.1.



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