Folks, one thing I find I have to do more often lately is parse repeated
keywork+value pairs, and I can't figure out how to craft the right regex
pattern for this sort of thing (assuming regex can do it). I have something
like this sample:


%KEY1, value1 %KEY2,value2   %KEY3, %NOTE,This is a note %NAME, Fred Knuckle


The red chars are the keywords, each keyword is followed by an optional
value. Spaces can appear randomly. I'm hoping there's some way of parsing
out these pieces:









"This is a note"


"Fred Knuckle"


Sorry for the boring looking question, but if I can find a way of parsing
"repeated patterns" like my sample then it will solve a general problem
that's been irritating me for ages, and the regex technique might be of
general use to others.




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