Which OS are you running under? I ran 2010 Betas and RCs under Vista and
Win7 without issue for months but now I'm using the RC under XP and it is
shockingly annoying. Most of the time the editor and tool windows fail to
refresh (including intellisense not showing up/what I'm typing not appearing
until i've scrolled off and back again). This gets significantly worse when
running in debug mode.

To be fair this is the RC and not the final release and I do have other
plugins and stuff installed so this issue might go away when I finally
update to the release version. If not then I would not recommend VS2010 to
people still running XP. (To be fair I wouldn't recommend running XP any
more either).

I love VS2010 so I hope this is a pretty isolated experience.

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:46 PM, ste...@malikoff.com <ste...@malikoff.com>wrote:

> I'm glad you qualified which version of VS2010 is "stable", because your
> claim sure doesn't apply to VS2010 Express, which I could get to crash
> pretty easily when I tried it out on a simple app. Haven't tried VS2010Pro
> but I'll stick to my VS2008Pro for a little while yet, thanks :)
> Steve.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Grant Maw" [grant....@gmail.com]
> Date: 05/06/2010 06:51 AM
> To: "ozDotNet" <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
> Subject: Re: Cheapest way to get VS2010 Professional?
> "What is the *single* most exciting thing about it?"
> For me, its the stability. Ive been using it since it came out and Ive not
> yet been able to make it crash. Previous versions would crash several times
> per day for me.
> Apart from that, the database tools are a big improvement over previous
> versions.
> This is, seriously, the BEST edition of VS that I have ever used. Lots of
> little things all add up to make a great dev experience. Previous versions
> were all like "death by a thousand cuts" because of all the little
> annoyances. Most of these have been removed.
> If you are able to, upgrade today. Youll thank yourself for it. If you can
> add Resharper 5, even better.
> Grant

Michael M. Minutillo
Indiscriminate Information Sponge
Blog: http://wolfbyte-net.blogspot.com

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