
Contact what appears to be the Australian distributor - 

There is a 1300 number on their website. 



Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Saturday, 26 June 2010 10:37 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: [OT] markzware online payment


Folks, my wife wants to buy some Mac conversion software from
but the payment process seems a little weird.  The site has a certificate
and a green address bar, and as you proceed it seems to use a Wespac gateway
for payment. The payment entry fields appear in a mock dialog area in the
middle of the screen. It all looks very professional and nice, but after you
enter your credit card details and click Next it asks for your birth date.
My wife stopped there as she's never been asked that before. The page claims
that this is Westpac's extra security.


To me the site and procedure all look signed and valid, but she's nervous
about continuing and I'm sort of undecided. Can anyone confirm that this
payment procedure is trustworthy?




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