On 1 July 2010 20:34, Joseph Cooney <joseph.coo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This as intended as a spoof of cheesy ads (according to the original MSR
> site
> http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/songsmith/video_everyonehasasonginside.html
> )

One man's cheesy is another man's water-boarding.

It isn't a real professional ad,

That much is clear. :)

> it's filmed at the Microsoft campus. The green coffee cup with the MS logo
> on it is a dead give-away (see attached). I'm willing to bet everyone in the
> video has PhDs in machine learning, except maybe the little girl who is
> probably just a masters student.....

>From the MSR link, in the best tradition of anyone from America's inability
to understand irony: "We’re going for over-the-top comic irony."

Quite. Or rather: The ironic part is that the ad shows the nasty piece of
software that produces nothing but an aural affront to anyone with a modicum
of taste - BUT once you install it you really see that it is a nasty piece
of software that produces nothing but an aural affront to anyone with a
modicum of taste.

Hang on ...

David Connors (da...@codify.com)
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