On 4 October 2010 10:25, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

>  I also *thought* that the domain controller would sync to an external
> server, like time.windows.com, which I can see in the registry for the
> W32Time service. But I guess it’s not doing that.

Not by default, no. All computers on a domain sync via some RPC mechanism
that is NOT SNTP.

 I’m still web searching this subject and getting lots of confusing advice.
> Asking network admins, is there some simple trick I can pull to make the
> domain controller sync to the external source?

w32tm.exe is the utility you to configure time sync stuff on Windows (SNTP
and otherwise). I can't remember the exact procedure but I do recall it is a
complete pain in the 4rse. Start with the args for w32tm.exe first and go
from there.

*David Connors* | da...@codify.com | www.codify.com
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