>I might be off track, but don't you need to call
>`Marshall.ReleaseComObject(object)` on all managed references to COM

The VB6 programmers wants the 'feature' objects (there a multiple ones) and
the 'Cursor' inside each one to live for the lifetime of the App. I didn't
mention it, but there is a kind of factory class that makes the COM objects
for me and it knows when to ReleaseComObject on them all at shutdown time.
So I *hope* their lifetimes are managed correctly, but with COM there is so
much magic stuff happening I can't shake off this fear that something rotten
is happening that I can't see. It seems to be working correctly anyway,
which is a good sign I guess!

Mark, David, I'll try the change you suggested with a simple reference and
let you know what happens. I didn't think of doing that because I already
had an event listener on the object and I thought that would be enough to
keep it alive.


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