Hey Andrew,

Shameless plug, but I used to work for Technology
One<http://www.technologyonecorp.com/>in Brisbane.  They're a
home-grown ERP vendor who've been quite successful
in competing locally against the Oracles and SAPs of the world. I know they
have Financials, Payroll & Supply Chain modules in their suite.

I have no first-hand experience in interacting with the products as an
un-biased end-user or customer, but the technology platform is quite sound
and modern by comparison to other ERP suites (.NET WinForms client +
ASP.NETWeb Services).

If you're interested, I should be able to put you in touch with someone in


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Andrew Tobin <and...@grrargh.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> We're currently looking at changing our Warehousing/Inventory/Financials
> package and I was just wondering if anyone had some experience with a good
> product they would recommend?
> We're looking at something that is current technology, would be not
> impossible to interface with, and has a local support presence.
> Anyone come across a good package they're happy to recommend to others?
> Andrew

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