Just playing around with some generics, and I'm getting one bit that I'm
not happy with. I thought I had this working, but I've changed something
and now it doesn't. 



I have an interface 

Interface IBase(Of T, E)


And a child interface

Interface ILevel1


And a Class

Class Level1

                Implements ILevel1

                Implements IBase(of string, integer)


Then I have a factory with a method as such



Function GetALevel(Of TLevel(Of T, E)() As IBase(Of T, E)


In another class, I want to call the following


Dim foo as Factory = new Factory

Dim bar as foo.GetALevel(Of ILevel1)()


I think that the type of T and E should be inferred from the ILevel
interface. I'm sure I had this working, then a made a number of changes
all around this code, then noticed it wasn't working anymore.


Can anyone explain this better?


Clint Colefax

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