On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Kirsten Greed <kirst...@jobtalk.com.au> wrote:
> Hi All
> I am having a clean out of my bookshelves, and looking for recommendations
> on what to do with the old computer books including some like Dan Appleman’s
> Developing COM/Active X Components with Visual Basic 6
> Is there any other option than straight in the recycle bin?
> I see there are some book swapping sites on the internet – but I haven’t
> found a technical one

I'm struggling to find it, but I'm fairly certain Michael Minutillo
runs a technical book sharing mailing list.

Nevertheless, I think your best bet would just be the paper recycling
option. I'd hate to think schools or libraries have any use for VB 6

> Perhaps there someone out there who is deliberately stockpiling such books
> for legacy application emergencies ?
> Thanks
> Kirsten


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