Essentially it is all the magic late-binding stuff which VB does for you when 
you forget to go "Option Strict On".
> RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(x)
just returns "x" boxed so you can omit it and the compiler puts it in for you.
> NewLateBinding.LateIndexGet(instance, New Object() {"a"}, Nothing)
as the name suggests is a late bound index get, such as: instance["a"]
> NewLateBinding.LateGet(x, Nothing, "methodName", New Object() {"arg0", 
> "arg1"}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
is a function call, equivalent to x.methodName("arg0", "arg1")

The following is roughly equivalent source in VB (if you include the 
Try-Finally and GetEnumerator calls):
For Each instance In someEnumerable
  eArrayList.AddRange(Strings.UCase("@@@ " & instance("e")).Split())
  If ((Not sArrayList.Contains(instance("b")) And 
eArrayList.Contains(Strings.UCase(sGENRE))) And Not 
Module1.EdescList.Contains("SHOP")) Then
    Dim obj44 As Object = instance("b").replace("&", "and")
  End If

P.S. I happen to recognise where the code is coming from, especially since you 
didn't quite completely sanitise it :p

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Decompilation - help unravelling syntax
> Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 12:21:19 +0800
> A Monday brain exercise:
> I have to reconstruct something (obtained by decompiling with Reflector
> Pro), and would like some help unravelling some of the verbosity (VB.NET,
> Framework 3.5 I think).
> Here's a sample (presented as best I can) -
> Do While enumerator.MoveNext
> Dim instance As Object = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(enumerator.Current)
> eArrayList.Clear()
> eArrayList.AddRange(DirectCast(NewLateBinding.LateGet(NewLateBinding.LateGet
> (Nothing, GetType(Strings), "UCase", New Object()
> {Operators.ConcatenateObject("@@@ ", NewLateBinding.LateIndexGet(instance,
> New Object() {"e"}, Nothing))}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing), Nothing,
> "Split", New Object(0 - 1) {}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing), ICollection))
> If ((Not
> sArrayList.Contains(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(NewLateBinding.LateIndexGe
> t(instance, New Object() {"b"}, Nothing))) And
> eArrayList.Contains(Strings.UCase(sGENRE))) And Not
> Module1.EdescList.Contains("SHOP")) Then
> Dim obj44 As Object =
> RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(NewLateBinding.LateGet(NewLateBinding.LateInde
> xGet(instance, New Object() {"b"}, Nothing), Nothing, "replace", New
> Object() {"&", "and"}, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing))
> sArrayList.Add(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(obj44))
> dArrayList.Add(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(NewLateBinding.LateIndexGet(ins
> tance, New Object() {"a"}, Nothing)))
> uArrayList.Add(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(NewLateBinding.LateIndexGet(ins
> tance, New Object() {"a"}, Nothing)))
> cArrayList.Add(NewLateBinding.LateGet(NewLateBinding.LateIndexGet(instance,
> New Object() {"f"}, Nothing), Nothing, "length", New Object(0 - 1) {},
> Nothing, Nothing, Nothing).ToString)
> End If
> Loop
> Some variable types left out, but clear enough I think.
> As you might guess, it's a partial parsing of some JSON rendered to a
> string.
> (Of course it will be easier to just rewrite the parsing, but I am
> interested in the decompilation. I haven't looked at MSIL at all.)
> ________________________________
> Ian Thomas
> Victoria Park, Western Australia

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