On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:38 PM, David Rhys Jones <djones...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Background:
>  I've got a service connection that is limited to 5 logins, (internal app
> written in another dept, Java Webservice not WCF compatible.),  I've
> implemented a library (C# 3.5) that calls this and a number of different
> services to provide a coherent data source for our Excel (2003)
> applications.
> In my dispose, I clean everything up correctly, connections are closed,
> webservice is disposed etc.
> Problem:
>  I need to find a way to force the developpers in my team and in the other
> teams that use my library to call the Dispose method after each use of the
> library.

Yeah, I tend to agree with Michael, I think your design is slightly
wrong. It doesn't look correct to be disposing a member variable.
(What happens if it is re-called?) I don't know if this is a function
of Spring.Net though; I've never used it.

I think, anyway, that you shouldn't even need to force them to do the
dispose. You can just do it, in some base class upwards,  no, in the
implementation of GetPrices?

> thanks
> Davy,
> "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
> violent psychopath who knows where you live."
> - Martin Golding

Noon Silk

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