I think the 80/20 rule applies here. 80% of apps can be developed using
today's standards. 20% may require something more 'exotic' such as
Silverlight / Flash.

The problem with open standards is that they're lagging behind the curve (in
some instances by a long way). For example, HTML5 is missing native
multi-touch support. I believe there's room at the bleeding edge for
technologies like Silverlight and Flash

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Paul Stovell <paul.stov...@readify.net>wrote:

> Just to add my 2c, it's not necessarily an "or" choice. You could build 90%
> of the app as a web app (which for webby-things, will be much faster -
> Silverlight/XAML has nothing on Razor/MVC/HTML/CSS). Then if you hit
> something that's difficult to do in pure HTML/JS, build that 10% in
> Silverlight.
> Personally, given the power of JS and modern browsers, I'd find it pretty
> hard to justify using Silverlight for anything web/intranet. The only good
> case I've seen is where we some C# classes and needed to use them on the
> server and client, and there was no nice way to convert the code to
> JavaScript (though I wonder if expression trees in .NET 4.0 could have
> helped there). Even then, doing it over, having UI in HTML and using
> JavaScript/SL interop might have worked better.
> Paul
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:
> ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *James Chapman-Smith
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 29 March 2011 12:32 PM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet'
> *Subject:* HTML vs Silverlight - comparative effort?
> Hi folks,
> I got asked a question today that I don't really have the experience to
> answer and was hoping someone here could help.
> If I'm going to develop a new "web-based" application in HTML or
> Silverlight, what would the comparative effort be like? And really, what
> kind of pros & cons are worth evaluating?
> By HTML I am thinking ASP.NET MVC, but it could be something else
> ".NET"-ish.
> Cheers.
> James.

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