Yeah I understand that, but cmon. It's Microsoft. If they don't have the
power to wangle the deals, and Apple does, what's that tell me?

Same deal when I was trying to buy an ebook. I found an ebook on a number of
different ebook sites (including one that is run here in Claremont about 10
minutes from my house) and because I'm in Australia I was not allowed to buy
it. That left me the options of getting a US credit card with a US postal
address, or finding it on bittorrent and pirating the damn thing.
Guess which is easier.

There's nothing more frustrating that sitting with credit card in hand
wanting to pay for something that doesn't physically exist other than being
a sequence of magnetic 1's and 0's, and being told no, sorry, your in the
wrong country. #whatcenturyisthis?
Licensing fail.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 2:02 PM, David Kean <>wrote:

>  I know people like to bag Microsoft for a lot of things, but with the
> music licensing the ball is solely in the content providers. They make it
> extremely hard for companies like Microsoft, Netflix, etc to provide content
> *everywhere*.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Stephen Price
> *Sent:* Monday, April 11, 2011 8:44 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Windows 7 and Parallel port card
> Good luck with that.
> I find best way is to remove all songs and re add the folder. It all
> depends if your music is IN the iTunes folder or if you added it from
> another folder (and let iTunes copy what if converts into its own folder).
> If you have bought music via iTunes then it will be a mix of both.
> If you don't then you end up with a mix of broken links and duplicate
> songs. You can make it not show duplicates but they are still there.
> You'd think with all their UX experience they'd have figured this shit out.
> I'm also stuck in a world of using Zune and getting the two to play nice
> together. Most of my songs are other peoples and I don't like them anyway so
> I'm forever pressing skip. I think I'm just going to delete the whole lot
> and start over.
> On another rant, I'd be buying music through Zune if Microsoft ever got off
> their fat lazy arses and made it available to Australia. Stupid bloody
> licensing lawyers. *grumble grumble*
> In the US people pay $15 a month for unlimited access to songs, and a bunch
> of songs they can keep from what you download. I'm happy to PAY for my music
> but they don't want my money. They'd rather I went to Apple and suffered
> their iTunes store.
> *glare*
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:
> Chaps, two of you have already found that my friend’s EPSON doesn’t have
> drivers and is even on the not supported lists. So that solves that. I rang
> my friend and gave him the bad news. As Corneliu says, and as I said to my
> friend ... new well featured colour printers are really cheap these days.
> The thing to beware of is the cost of consumables. He spent $600 on the box,
> $90 on a USB drive, $8 on a new mouse, $12 on the parallel card that doesn’t
> work, so now he spends a bit more on a new printer! Your wallet has a slow
> leak.
> We’ve got another stupid problem now. I copied his complete My Documents
> (and music and pictures) over to the new box and we installed the latest
> iTunes. When it starts it comes up with a complete list of music from the
> old machine and every file is “broken” because the physical locations don’t
> match. So now I’ve got to find a way of clearing iTunes of all music and
> refreshing it from disk. There is no obvious way to do this and the Apple
> style menus are foreign and ambiguous (*D*elete, *C*lear?). I suppose
> there is a “database” behind iTunes that I can delete and cause a rescan?!
> Sheesh! How do normal suburban carbon blobs migrate to a new machine. I’ve
> spent about 6 man-hours with my friend. I’m helping him get his email
> migrated from Outlook Express to Outlook (it hit size limits), his cable
> modem wasn’t recognised (you have you power it off and on), his printer is
> outdated (my fault for not checking on this), Kodak EasyShare photo links
> are all broken like iTunes, and so on...
> Greg

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