Thanks Dude, I will have a look at this, I was trying to avoid this as I
will have to return 3 classes in a anon type, then reconstruct them via
navigation properties.




[] On Behalf Of DotNet Dude
Sent: Monday, 18 April 2011 11:18 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Entity Framework and Linq



On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Clint Colefax
<> wrote:

I have 3 tables with a many to one to many relationship. 


Customers => Countries => CountryRegions


I want the first Customer where name = "Fred" and the CountryRegions
where Language = "English". I want to include the Country and Country
Region entities


Sql would be something like this.


Select top 1 *

>From Customers as c1

Inner join Countries as c2

On c1.CountryNo = c2.CountryNo

Inner join CountryRegions as c3

On c2.CountryNo = c3.CountryNo

And c3.RegionLanguage = "English"

Where = "Fred"

Order c1.CreatedDate


I am trying to replicate this in Entity Framework with Linq, and I just
can't seem to get there at all. Any pointer would be helpful. I'm able
to either include all the sub elements, or condition on them, but can't
seem to do both. I know I could do a load statement, but I'm trying to
avoid that.


One of my attempts


Dim q = from c2 in context.Countries

>From c1 in c2.customers

Where c2.Name = "Fred"

>From c3 in c2.CountryRegions

Where c3.RegionLanguage = "English"

Order by c1.CreatedDate 

Select c1 Take 1


only had a quick look but you're only selecting the customer, if you
want the country and region then you'd need to select them too in the
last line



        This gives me the correct customer, but without the country and
country region. I tried adding .Include() on the end of
context.Countries without luck. But by taking the result of this (q) and
running q.include("Country") I could get the country included, but I
also need the CountryRegion, and that's on the other side of the one to
many to one relationship.


        Any ideas?




        p.s. This is in entity framework 3.5 if that makes any




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