

On 18/07/2011, at 17:09, "Greg Keogh" <> wrote:

> On a more sensible subject ... I’ve been building an app that uses Entity 
> Framework 4 and SQLite for the data layer. As I reported a few weeks ago, I’m 
> quite happy with the way the two work together. I guess I must mostly thank 
> the people who wrote the ADO.NET provider which is nicely compliant.
> It’s nice that EF4 and ORMs generally hide you from the low-level commands 
> being sent to the database, but as a developer, I’d like to know what the 
> traffic is down at the lower level. In code I can eager/lazy load related 
> data, perform complex nested deletes, etc, but I have no idea what’s actually 
> happening under the covers.
> I can’t find any specific hooks in EF4 or SQLite to help me monitor the 
> underlying database commands, but I’m still looking. Has anyone else looked 
> into this issue?
> Greg

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