One thing I should note, is that I didn't mean to give the indication that MEF 
is perfect - it isn't. I often get frustrated by certain design decisions we 
made, the attributes annoyed me at first, however, I actually got used to them, 
and now like applying them (I love being able to quickly look at a type, and 
know exactly what service it provides - especially if in a hierarchy). The lack 
of ExportFactory in v1 (basically a mix of 3 & 4 in the relationship 
zoo<>), was also sorely 
missed (although you can actually write your own without too much difficultly). 
Debugging sucks - and I work on the product. One small trick is look in your 
debug output window - we output some tracing there - especially in the 
rejection case, which is the most common case that customers run into.

It also becomes very good in complex cases. I use it extensively for 
non-extensibility purposes in my package & project system for the Portable 
 My entire system is built up using MEF, from the package, to the project 
object, to the individual project services, the presenters, views etc. 
Basically it's made up of a bunch of different containers representing the 
different lifetimes of the components (ie one for the package itself, one for 
the project which inherits the package, one for each presenter/view combo, etc).

Kitty HawkVisual Studio LightSwitch is another product that makes heavy use of 
it as an IoC container.

That said, however, make sure you evaluate all the other IoC containers and 
choose one based on the features you're actually interested in.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Jake Ginnivan
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 9:04 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Anyone using Prism?

Thanks for that David,

That was quite interesting =) I must admit I haven't used MEF in any heavy way, 
my experience is using it in FunnelWeb for extensibility. I have the 
opportunity in a few weeks to give MEF a spin in Silverlight as I am breaking a 
codebase apart to make it modular. I will give it a shot of replacing what I 
have done in Autofac with MEF to improve my understanding.

Appreciate the detailed response.

Jake Ginnivan
Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)
M: +61 403 846 400 | E:<> | W:<>

 On Behalf Of David Kean
Sent: Friday, 26 August 2011 9:28 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Anyone using Prism?

Everyone's opinion on what defines an IoC container differs  - even guys well 
known in the DI area don't agree on what makes an IoC container. I know this 
because we involved a lot of them throughout the development of MEF - some 
worked on our team, Nick (Autofac) and Hammet (Windsor), and others were on the 
MEF insiders group that we used to call monthly.

Where do you think Nick got the inspiration for that relationship zoo post he 
blogged about? MEF has a representation for every one of those dependency 
relationships, Autofac actually added some of them after MEF. :)

I'm actually using MEF as my mainline IoC container. In the next update of MEF 
(I believe we've got a preview drop on the codeplex site), some of the major 
things missing have been added in the box (open generics, fluent interface - 
registration builder), factories and parameterized construction have been there 
since day v1, ExportFactory was added to v2 (Silverlight).

When I do find things that are missing, I usually just end up writing an 
ExportProvider or Catalog that enables it. For example, we have a bunch of 
legacy IServiceProvider provided services in VS - I plugged in my own 
ExportProvider, now all of sudden I can start [Import]ing them, and not have my 
components touch the IServiceProvider.

We don't have AOP, and I don't think we'll ever add it - we of the opinion that 
this sort of thing needs to happen at compile time (think in PostSharp, CCI, 
and compiler-as-a-service terms), not at runtime. Lifetime is limited, but we 
wanted to keep it that way. What do you think is missing? Blast away and I'll 
file some suggestions internally.

 On Behalf Of Matt Siebert
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 6:04 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Anyone using Prism?

I agree.  This issue is discussed several times on MEF's CodePlex site:

Admittedly, these may be a little dated but some of Glenn Block's comments are 
very enlightening.

The following post is also worth reading:

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Jake Ginnivan 
<<>> wrote:
I don't agree that both MEF and Autofac are IoC containers. Sure they both 
perform dependency injection, but MEF was never designed to solve the same 
issues that today's IoC containers solve. MEF is more about architecture and 
extensibility, where the IoC containers help us manage a set of static 
resources and relationships between those resources.
Mef has no support for Open Generics, Automatic factories, parameterised 
construction, AOP and the lifetime support is more basic.

I would use mef to discover, and let me know when there are more modules, then 
use new ContainerBuilder().. register new components, 

Jake Ginnivan
Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)
M: +61 403 846 400<tel:%2B61%20403%20846%20400> | E:<> | W:<>

[<>] On 
Behalf Of David Kean
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2011 10:58 PM

To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Anyone using Prism?

I would either use MEF or I would use Autofac. I wouldn't mix them together. 
They are both IoC containers, and are both around to solve the same problems.

I personally use MEF, but I worked on it so I'm a little bias. I would use MEF 
if you don't want to take a dependency on something outside of the framework, 
otherwise, I would evaluate all the good IoC containers (Castle Windsor, 
StructureMap, Autofac, Unity) out there and pick the one you feel most 
comfortable with.

 On Behalf Of Matt Siebert
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 5:44 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Anyone using Prism?

Take a look at

It's not a tutorial but shows how you could use MEF with Autofac.

I haven't tried it yet but I'm about to start using MEF (and probably Autofac 
too) in my current project.

On Thursday, August 25, 2011, Kirsten Greed 
<<>> wrote:
> Thanks Jake
> Do you know of any good tutorials on MEF and Autofac?
> Kirsten
> ________________________________
> From:<> 
> [<>] 
> On Behalf Of Jake Ginnivan
> Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2011 1:50 PM
> To: ozDotNet
> Subject: RE: Anyone using Prism?
> Quite good timing actually, here is a post which backs up my point about 
> staying away from unity if you want a well performing app:
> Another negative side effect of Prism is that modules have a single Run 
> method. Which you have to do your container registrations and resolve your 
> dependencies.
> Internally when you resolve, if you have performed any registrations since 
> you last resolved the container has to rebuild it's dependency tree, which is 
> costly. Autofac forces you to create a ContainerBuilder then build the 
> container from that, so you mentally separate registration and resolutions, 
> this has the advantage that Autofac does not have to lock the container when 
> you perform a Resolve, reducing contention and once again speeding the 
> container up. Unity has to lock on all operations.
> Regards,
> Jake Ginnivan
> Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)
> M: +61 403 846 400<tel:%2B61%20403%20846%20400> | E: 
><> | W: 
><> <>
> From:<> 
> [<>] 
> On Behalf Of J

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