Not the answer you want - just to point out that this is a not-uncommon
requirement, and software tools exist. 

This is a simple problem for any GIS software: interpolation on an existing
shape, or constructing a shape with a defined number of points equi-spaced.
Of course, the maths behind the user interface (tools) is rigorous, and yes
splines are used because most often the shape or curve is irregular.

A very capable product is manifold GIS, which is .NET-codeable (or, can use
VBA scripting). It is quite cheap (
<>  ). There is a very good user fraternity. 

I use it - But I'm not offering to generate the results you want.  



Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


From: []
On Behalf Of David Boccabella
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:29 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Name of process


Hi there

I am trying to find the name of a process so I can then  look for coding
example on google to do it. Unfortunately it will be in VB6.




You have an irregular shaped circle with 400 points on the circumference.
Each point is represented numerically as the radius from the center to that


Now - you need to give this to a system that requires 1000 point, so you
need to  'generate' additional points  that would lie on the circumference
if the original circle was plotted with 1000 instead of 400.


I think the term is interpolating with bsplines but I am not sure.   The
company I work for manufactures lenses for specticles and some of the
equipment will trace the shape of a lens using 400, 100, or 1000 points. And
other machines that cut the lenses want 1000 points. So I need to convert
the 400 point traces to 1000 ones.


Many thanks for any advice




David J. Boccabella

Anubis Systems
Phone: 0433 808 525

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Email:   <>

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