Hey All

Do you find that developing rich javascript applications can be very time
consuming? I find myself switching between markup, styles and js pages alot.
Some of the reasons being making sure id's are 100% correct and syntax is

Visual Studio is great for developing c# and traditional web applications
with a little jQuery, but I just know it could be way better for serious
clientside development.

Even a ReSharper type pluggin for ajax/rich web applications. Just some
basic things would make it alot faster,
-attach jquery/javascript event from markup
-id lookups in javascript files
-id checking in javascript files
-syntax checking in javascript files

Does this exist already?

If not, someone needs to invent this as a VS pluggin. They would make some
good coin, if they did it nice.

*Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital*
Managing Director
P. 0404 865 350
E. mich...@thinksmartdigital.com.au
W. www.thinksmartdigital.com.au
T. www.twitter.com/rid00z
L. au.linkedin.com/in/michaelridland


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