Hello list!

I have a requirement to relax SSL certification validation on certain web
requests in my application. I know that I can do this by setting a custom
delegate on the ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback
property - which works fine.

The problem I have is that I am not in full control of the host application
- I am writing a plugin package that gets hosted in a 3rd party IIS
application.  Is there a way I can achieve what I'm after whilst still
remaining a 'good citizen' in the host app?

I have written the delegate so that it only performs my custom validation
when it matches the request URI to the URI I expect (otherwise performing
the default check), and I only register the callback for as long as I need
it during the execution of a single method before setting it back to the
original value.  Even so, this is still vulnerable to race conditions if
there is another request executing concurrently, and my code would be
vulnerable to other code overriding the certificate validation callback in
a similar manner.

Any suggestions on how I can make this more robust? Examples and samples
for this API on the Internet are mostly shocking, encouraging developers to
just set the callback and return "true" (ie. no validation) with no
discussion of the pitfalls this entails.


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