I wonder if this could be easily extended to a cloud solution.

MSMQ locally and then HTTP offsite to an EC2 type beast to aggregate and

On 7 April 2012 10:35, Joseph Cooney <joseph.coo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've seen people use msmq to write a log entry locally and have it read
> from the local machine into a centralized location, but that was on a
> system with only about 20 web nodes. I've also seen ppl write to the
> windows event log, and use monitoring tools like SCOM to aggregate (also on
> about 20 nodes).
> I'm curious to know what you're doing that requires that many nodes. I
> know a lot of household name web sites that run on a 10th or 20th of that.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 06/04/2012, at 11:20 PM, Dave Walker <rangitat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > looking for ideas or proven experiences involving logging from larger
> applications e.g. 200+ web nodes. Our current system of log4net into files
> on each server is quickly proving to be a nightmare - We are struggling to
> find out when, where, how and why things are breaking because of the rapid
> growth we have experienced.
> >
> > E.g. things we have thought about include log4net into a DB that we can
> pull into a centralised location, MSMQ, file watchers etc.
> >
> > What have you guys done in the past?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dave Walker

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

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