You can get stuff in very easily using the plethora of examples, however
using T-SQL to get the record out is not possible, perhaps because of the
need to isolate the field value and deal with it separately. If you were to
create a clr function using the info available for c# code then you would
have means to do it via SQL server.

I played with the idea of using bcp, but it corrupted the binary. Perhaps
as bcp expects a tabulated output it adds termination values to the file .

declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = 'bcp "SELECT TOP 1 blob FROM mydatabase.dbo.Myblob" queryout
c:\Temp\Mydump.txt -n -T -S MyServer\MyInstance'
exec master.. xp_cmdshell @sql

this might work for you if the records were plain text.

Regards, Stuart

On 12 May 2012 23:33, Peter Maddin <> wrote:

> I have found examples of how to use T-SQL to insert a file as a Filestream
> blob in SQL Server 2008.****
> ** **
> I have not been successful at finding out how to use just T-SQL to select
> the same blob data to a local file.****
> All the examples I have seen are code based (C# etc.). Is it possible just
> to use T-SQL to persist a FileStream blob to a local file?****
> ** **
> *Regards Peter Maddin*
> ****
>  ****
> ** **

Stuart Kinnear
Mobile: 040 704 5686.   Office: 03 9589 6502

SK Pro-Active! Pty Ltd
acn. 81 072 778 262
PO Box 6117 Cromer, Vic 3193. Australia

Business software developers.
SQL Server, Visual Basic, C# , Asp.Net, Microsoft Office.

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